Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A few pics for you . ..

A new job list . . .

It is almost the end of February already, where does the time go! We went for our weekly cycle run out to Acharavi last Saturday and the view across the bay to the Albanian mountains was wonderful - see attached video. We run out to Acharavi once a week to get a few fresh supplies and sit in a favourite Greek cafe with a coffee and watch the world go by.....

Well back to the job list and we now have a new job list - the ones we are not going to have time to do that can wait 'til summer. There are quite a few things on it too.
We have managed to get the posts in the garden for the barrier and the all the bedrooms have been lined out and are just about ready. We have a few smaller tasks to do before we start a quick garden clear before we set off back as it will be knee high when we come back again in summer.

We have had what we hope will be our last trip into Corfu town today DIY shopping to finish a few things off.

We saw the pre lenten festival on Sunday down in Sidari, there were floats and a parade but there was a biting northerly wind so as soon as the parade had passed and we had a quick look round the celebration area we retreated to the pub for a beer or two.

The days are mostly warm now but still early evening and morning it can be quite cool. There has been the odd frost!! A couple of weeks ago we went to the bottom of the island where there are sand dunes and a large lake - would be a super walk round, maybe in summer.

We promised ourselves a boat trip across to Greek mainland Igoumenitsa before we head back to blighty but that is now on the summer list . . . .

We will try to post again before we set off back and I promise I will put some house footage on for those who are interested!!

Well, hopefully we will see y'all soon bye for now .. . . . .D

Thursday, February 5, 2009

One step at a time . . . . . .

It's now February already and the job list as usual gets no shorter. We've been sat here watching the news on the net of tales of woe and several inches of snow in the UK. A very pretty sight (easy to say when we here are sat outside in the sun and around 20 degrees) never the less your snow looks pretty. The only snow we see is on the Albanian mountains across the water from here.

So how are we doing, well another of our bedrooms is finished and we have made a start on the last of the three bedrooms. It is the biggest of the three and will eventually be our room so I'd best do a proper job or Mrs D won't be happy about moving back in there!!

Talking of Mrs D as you can see from the picture above she has been embarking on a bit of DIY herself. When I demolished the pantry and sitting room walls we piled the rubble up outside and used it as a sloping entrance up to the balcony. We then started to move the rubble to various places in the garden and up and down the drive to fill in holes. This left my splendid access rubble pile a bit short so in steps Mrs D to knock up some splendid temporary steps out of the remaining rubble and some old blocks. They are super (I wouldn't expect my mother to use them but we can manage with them for now.)

On the weather front we have had bucket loads of rain, some pretty awful winds and in among some really nice very warm and sunny days. The locals tell us this is unusual and that last year January was basking in sunshine. We are still managing early doors at the local in Sidari on Fridays and the bikes have probably done more miles here this year than all the time we used them last year in the UK!!

It is nice getting out on the bikes we have some laughs in and around this area of the island. We have a weekly run out to Acharavi for a coffee. It is a lovely ride along the seafront with no traffic.

The villagers here are lovely, still haven't a clue what they are saying once we get past yassas and kalimeera but they don't make us feel unwelcome at all.

There is a profusion of wild flowers coming through now and there is a sea of wild orchids just down the lane from us (see picture above.)

It is warming up now and the lizards are making a comeback out of the walls and with the flowers everywhere and blossom on the trees it really does have a spring feel about it.

Well its time to sign off now but I will try to put a video on next time of in and around the place here for those who are interested to have a nosey about. Yasou . . . . .D