Sunday, February 28, 2010

Christchurch to Otira

A moving on day today across to the Southern Alps and Arthurs Pass. It took us a while to get out of town as Mrs D spotted “The Warehouse” a good retail outlet of everything. It was claimed that Mrs D needed a few things but for some reason I came out with more and didn’t need any!!

We eventually got underway and enjoyed a good run across to Arthurs pass, stunning views and sunshine. The tale of the legendary Otira Hotel I will now pass you over to Mrs D who intended to write a novel about the place but I managed to persuade her to keep it fairly brief for these meagre ramblings.

Now about the strange hotel we stayed in near Arthurs Pass.At first sight it looked simply old and from another era, as indeed it was having been built to house the first railroad workers back in the early 1900s. Well, we can do old. Four people and a large black labrador were sitting outside in the evening air and as we got out of our car the ‘lady’ of the group stood up to greet us and show us our room. The room was certainly full of character, which is a euphemism for shabby. Well we can do shabby. In fact the whole place needed so much money spending on it that it was probably past the point of no repair. Anyway we unpacked and decided to join the locals for a beer. They were all friendly and Mary (names have been changed to protect the innocent) was sat quietly sharing a joint with her equally laid back partner. It transpired that Mary was looking after the place while the owners were away for the day and she was one unusual looking lady but we can do body piercing and tattoos! We didn’t meet the owners until the following evening when we returned after our epic walk extremely tired, sunburnt and starving hungry but that’s a separate blogg. Our greeting was a grunt from a woman who looked like Mortitia without the glam – in fact probably wouldn’t look out of place in a witches coven with her waist length grey hair and frayed old floor-length skirt. Anyway we decided to risk it and ordered fish & chips (hell there was nowhere else to eat anyway!). Well we can do basic food. The meals were brought to us by a non-speaking Stan Ogden look-alike who slammed the plates down and man-handled the slices of bread, in fact he made Basil Fawlty look polite. As we took our leave the following morning ‘posh & becks’ were too busy tucking into their poached eggs to mumble more than ‘see you’ to us so away we went laughing all the way to the car ……… well we can do strange. I did remark as we drove away that I wouldn’t be in the least surprised to see Mulder & Scully on their way to investigate strange goings on and reported abductions.
Pix are from top left down - view across towards Arthurs Pass (Arthur Dobson,) a cheeky Kea, Arthurs Pass viaduct, the Otira Hotel welcoming committee and the Otira hotel.

Welcome to NZ

Foley Towers – of course Fawlty Towers immediately spring to mind and yes Basil was on the wall in every room!! It was an OK place we had a flat not a room with our own bathroom. The sleeping patterns were all to pot waking at 4 in the morning and wrecked by 3 o’clock.

I forgot to mention in the last dose that in an attempt to stay awake we wandered into town after dumping the bags at the digs and sat and had a beer – Macs Wheat beer – then saw a Maori performance in the square where there were also jugglers, preachers, an array of crafts, fast food and a giant chess game. Most entertaining.

However, on our first full day in Christchurch the sun shone so we had a stroll to the car hire spot to pick up our wheels for the next six weeks. A very easy task compared to the paperwork minefield you have to go through in the UK!

We then had a run out to the Christchurch gondola and took a ride to the top and back – not up to much exercise as yet!! A good couple of hours was had here overlooking the South Pacific and the distant views over Christchurch out to the southern Alps. Leaving here we headed south towards Banks peninsula and a small French settlement called Akaroa. The French claimed it as the first settlers to the region here but sadly were a few years after the true originals but hey, let them have their little bit of NZ and very pretty it was too.

We then had the daunting task of getting some supplies in so we headed back to Christchurch in search of a supermarket. Sadly we hit the city at rush hour so we weren’t moving very fast. We eventually found a place and got set up with the basics. As we were still a little zombified from the flight, cooking dinner was not an option so we called in at a Korean place on the way back to the digs and got some form of noodles with beef (we hoped) and sauce and it was hot and tasty. Then back to Foley for some more kip!!
Pix are from top left down Basil from Foley Towers, local Maoris in dance, Christchurch Tram, view from top of Christchurch gondola and a Maori meeting place in Akaroa.

London to Christchurch

After a hearty feed at our Travelodge we were ready to embark on the flyathon. We trundled our bags back to East Croydon rail station where our bags were given the once over by a sniffer dog before we went to the platform. We decided as we had time to have an hour or so in London so we left our bags with the left luggage chappies and went to have a look at Buckingham palace in the rain. After a bit of a wander we retrieved our bags and got the tube to Heathrow. More book reading by Mrs D and more wandering for me whilst we waited for a gate number.

The flight got underway on time (thankfully no wing de-icing this time, good job really as they were that long they would have needed tons of the stuff!) Singapore airlines really do look after you with good food plenty of drinks and the seats weren’t too bad either. With your own personal entertainment centre in the back of the seat in front the hours flew by (sorry not meant to be a pun.) We did manage to get a little sleep before we arrived in Changi airport in Singapore 15 minutes early.

Changi airport, what a place. A friends son told his parents he could live in Changi airport and I am sure he is right as it has everything. Free foot massages, free internet, luxury malls full of everything. TV lounges, butterfly rooms and giant koi fish pools, it has to be experienced to be believed. I also got a geeky airbus A320 super jumbo fix as there were a few knocking about on the runway. I had a wandering feast and Mrs D did a few more books.

After our five hours in Changi our flight to NZ left 5 minutes early and got into Christchurch 15 minutes early and the service was up to the usual splendid standards, overwhelmed with food and drink – just what you need when you are sat on your arse for 10 hours!!

Mrs D’s rucksack was sought out by an over excited beagle sniffer dog in the airport – it was looking for food as you are not allowed to bring any in to NZ. After emptying the contents to the dog handler it was agreed that super sniffer could only smell the oranges that were in the bag a couple of days earlier. He was rewarded and went on his sniffy way…..

Weary and worn out we trundled outside with our bags and found the service bus into town and then a short walk (seemed like an eternity as we were so tired) to Foley Towers backpackers where we would be for two nights. We tried to stay awake as long as we could but had to give in about 8 o’clock as we were well tired. More soon after some serious shuteye!
Pictures are the koi pond and butterfly garden in Changi airport.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Corfu and back again a travellers tale.......

Yassou to all and hope y'all well. Trip to Corfu went OK, journey out from UK was good. Well we thought it was good until we looked out of the plane window at Heathrow and there was a man with a huge hosepipe de-icing the wings so we could take off!! All went well tho' but the many hours wait in Athens were tedious.
The weather was not too kind it rained plenty and was cooler than expected but not as cool as it was in the UK. We saw friends and the house was all OK so once we had done all this we were ready to move on to NZ.
We left Corfu yesterday at 0940hrs and then had many more hours wait in Athens for our connection to Gatwick. Mrs D managed to get through at least 87 novels during the wait and I wandered aimlessly around the airport.
We arrived into Gatwick late but were straight onto a train to East Croyden and our travelodge for the night!! Today we leave at 1840 for Singapore from Heathrow getting into Singapore tomorrow lunchtime. A few more novels and more wandering 'til we fly to NZ Tuesday eve arriving in Christchurch dazed and confused on Wednesday.
Next broadcast will hopefully be from NZ when we have come round and gotten onto their time. Until then we wish you well and look forward to 22 hours in the sky in a cigar tube!! Y'all keep in touch now.......

Monday, February 8, 2010

Today's the day

It's time to leave sunny Middleton (left) and head off for the hopefully warmer climes of Corfu.
If you've been following this drivel you'll know that after a couple of weeks in Corfu we are then heading down under for a while.
Mrs D is upstairs packing her bag for the 97th time and hopefully the last! I will go and check mine (when I can get near the bag room!)
Our fiends here are taking us to the station at Steeton for the train to London and some friends in Corfu are picking us up at the airport there after the journey.
It's been great to see everyone and catch up and it is now quite a haul to actually set off and go again.....still I'm sure we will be OK once we are on our way.
We are taking a mini laptop with us so we will try to update this rag along the way. Other than that there is always e-mail. Please keep in touch, it's always good to hear stories from home when you are away.
Clocks ticking, bags bursting at the seams and final checks underway must get off and do some bits myself and check Mrs D has not fallen into her bag.
Y'all keep in touch now and see you again soon
D & L