Sunday, May 26, 2013

APRIL 2013.

Leaving Venice
Room is ready
Cruising down the Adriatic
Room with a view
Lost in the bowels of the ship
Mrs D on the beach in Arillas before the masses arrive
Here we are back again from the depths of winter, well it feels like it now sat here in the sun.

The first 2 weeks of April saw us catching up with folks before we left and ensuring we had got everything we needed and booked all the necessary tickets etc. As usual it simply flew by and in no time at all it was the weekend before we left and Mrs D was in full panic mode.

We were due to set off on Tuesday 16th and we had a huge pile of stuff to fit into the back of our car and the roof box. It did eventually go in with a bit of room to spare. Amongst the big items for shipping over this year was a 32” TV, some huge picture frames and a bike ramp for getting the motorbike out of the house. There was also a supply of food items needed for over there.

With the car ready to go and farewells all done off we went heading south to the B & B by the sea in Winchelsea. We had a bit of a detour on the way down calling on someone we haven’t seen for a while near Lincoln so it broke the journey a bit. We arrived in Winchelsea early evening after managing to escape rush hour on the M25. A pleasant run down without any problems just as you want it.

The following day saw us walking into Rye for some supplies and a coffee before returning back for an afternoon local stroll down to the sea with our host and her trusty companion Keesha. Keesha probably did 3 times as many miles as we did!

Thursday was ferry day to Dunkirk so it was a 4am start to catch the 6am ferry It is always sad in a way sailing away from the white cliffs of Dover, something to do with home, roots and belonging possibly…………..

We arrived in Dunkirk for 9am so the long haul arse 0f 550 miles to Altenstadt in southern Germany was under way. The weather was good, the route we knew and all went well. I think it was probably too long a day and we will look to do it shorter and differently next time.

Driving across Germany is always so exciting and challenging. They drive so fast you have to see it to believe it, you need to check mirrors many times before you decide to overtake or you risk having someone parked on your tail waiting to get past! Also it is the land of the ‘ausfahrt’ slip road or exit to you and me but you always know where you are when see the ausfahrts!!

Digs in Germany very nice and we get a good breakfast to get us on our way the following day to Venice. A shorter drive and day at 350 miles and by far the most spectacular going through the Austrian Tyrol over the Fern Pass followed by the Brenner Pass out of Innsbruck.

We mustn’t forget our shopping trip in Telfs to C & A. We usually call in here on the way out and on the way back. It’s a cracking little shopping centre where we stock up on summer stuff going out and winter warmers coming back to UK. I usually come out with more than Mrs D. We also call in the Eurospar and stock up on supplies for the Venice ferry trip.

All stocked up we headed over the pass into Italy. Sadly we hit rush hour on the A4, which runs across Italy, it was horrendous. Makes the challenges of German driving appear insignificant compared to this ‘every man for himself’ style of driving!

We had booked a cabin on a campsite in Venice and very nice it was too. Being approx 5 miles from the ferry it was both handy and comfortable. Again we got another super breakfast, well when I say super breakfast it wasn’t exactly a full English but it was good for the journey.

We were travelling down the Adriatic this year with Anek ferries as Minoan no longer sail from Venice. So we did not know the ship or the deck layout to find a good spot to put up our tent on deck. Bravely, Mrs D has to go on before me as it is drivers only on the car deck so she can scout about and find a good spot. A splendid place she found too, looking out over the back of the ship and enclosed behind glass we managed to get a good nights sleep on our floating campsite.

The crossing was good, sea calm and we got into Igoumenitsa the following day late afternoon. This left us needing another ferry across to Corfu from the mainland. We eventually arrived back in Kopsocheilades about 8pm and all was well with the house. The weather was as you would expect it and the garden wasn’t too overgrown.

So after our 1300 mile drive and 500 miles worth of ferries we had a few relatively easy days unpacking and sorting everything out. This along with a few cycle trips to Sidari, Acharavi and strolls round the olive grove saw us through to the end of April apart from a bit of serious strimming in the garden.

We have Lynns brother, our first visitor of the year, arriving the first Saturday in May so more on that and the rest of Mays antics at the end of May!