Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Lynn in a former life lived and worked in Washington DC for a few years. Whilst out there she travelled around the US extensively. Lynn took me there for the first time in 1998 for my fortieth birthday!!! We planned a trip around the mid west setting out from Phoenix Arizona and coming back from Denver Colorado. We took our mountain bikes with us on the flight and had some great rides around Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Cedar Breaks and the best mountain biking on the petrified dunes around Moab in Utah. It was a great trip, we met some good people and stayed with my family in Denver before we came home. My relations commented that we had seen more of the US in two weeks then they had in 10 years!! We did pack a bit in. Anyone who loves the outdoors MUST see the Grand Canyon. We also saw Las Vegas, Hoover Dam, Canyonlands, Arches & Goblin Valley State Parks. I went back in 2003 with my 2 sons for a similar adventure and a last holiday bash before they all cleared off and left home, it was just as I remember it.

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