Thursday, November 20, 2008

Oh no, what next . . . .

To continue the saga, Steve left us and within ten minutes we had no water. So a quick call by Steve to the vendors who were in the UK and we found the elusive stop valve and all was well. Not a real problem Houston I hear you say, no the real problem was that the deal had not gone through and the house was not ours yet!!

The contract signing was supposed to be happening whilst we were at sea on the way down, in fact it had been happening for the previous few weeks but for varying Greek issues it had not. This time however it was the fault of the vendors and some paperwork which they had not submitted.

This went on for two weeks, its tomorrow, its tomorrow whilst we lived in the place. We actually went to the signing on Thursday 13th November. It was in a Greek notary's office in Corfu town. At one point there was two Greek lawyers, a Greek notary, the receptionist, the agent Steve and myself all stood round a table looking at the topographics - deeds as we know them. It took over three hours to sign the contracts after we first had it read out to us in English. It was quite a stressful day but at the end of it we finally owned the place. Funnily enough, most of the money was handed over in cash - cheques are not so good over here.

Well you can imagine the relief for us as we could now actually get on and do something with the place where as before we were in effect living in someone else's house and could do nothing, not a pleasant experience but all sorted eventually.

Contracts now signed, the place is ours more, fun and games later getting to grips with the place and the shops . . .

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