Saturday, October 23, 2010

Where have we been……

Since our last scribblings we have been busy. Mrs D has had 2 lots of visitors out here to Corfu and I have been trolling around the southern hemisphere in South America.

Where do we start, well Mrs D has had a week with her best friend Wendy then a few days living it up on her own until her brother Reg arrived out here for a week. I am told all went well with both guests and a good time was had by all. There wasn’t much said about the living it up in between section tho’….

Mrs D returned to the UK with Reg at the end of his holiday so that she was at home when I returned from South America and so we could both come back out here together. Confused?? Not surprised, I have no idea where I am now.

We had about 10 days together in the UK before we flew back out here. The usual rushing around seeing folks ensued and we arrived back here ready for a rest!!

My jaunt took me firstly to Quito in Ecuador then onto the Galapagos islands for a week on a boat being guided around Charles Darwins marvels. I then went on to Peru and up to Lake Titicaca for a few days in Puno before heading off to Cusco and the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. Finally I went to Puerto Maldonado in the Peruvian Amazon basin for a three day rainforest adventure before flying back to the UK. The whole trip was 26 days in total and absolutely fantastic. If you can stay awake long enough I will do a short resume on each part with a few pictures of which there are thousands!

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