Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hardly a travel event but certainly worth a mention

Our pilgrimage to Butlins Rock and Blues music weekend in Skegness can hardly be said to fit into the D & L adventure travel log but inspite of Butlins being the most unglamorous of destinations and Skegness being a cold, un-inspiring, flat resort awash with caravans, fish & chip shops, bargain basements and amusement arcades – we love it and have already booked for next year! We join the throng of – well lets be honest here – ageing rockers and hippies all dressed accordingly in denims and old leather jackets; long hair and beards are still plentiful but so are ‘wide partings’ and grey ‘highlights’ (no that’s not just the women). From Friday night through to Sunday night with barely time to eat, we rush between venues, watching band after band – some decidedly better than others – until the last band finishes and we are able to collapse exhausted into our basic, but very warm & cosy chalets to grab a few hours sleep. Over breakfast – and you have never lived if you have never eaten a Butlins breakfast - we evaluate the various bands’ performances with pals then we may have time for a brisk walk by the sea (which is always grey for some reason) before the day’s action begins. Believe me we are shattered when we get home on the Monday afternoon but its all been worth it. Mind you my ears are humming and my back is aching a bit ……

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