Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tortoises, ‘Slim’ & toms.

With all currently rosy in the garden with George’s toms coming on strong and tortoises sneaking through regularly we have a new visitor to the garden……Slim is our new found furry semi-friend. An extremely thin black cat (hence the splendid name.) He is a wild cat but appears most days around dinner time to see if there’s owt going!! Some evenings he hangs around outside sitting in the olive tree so he can see in the kitchen window!! What a cheek.
What else is new…….we are in the process of knocking together a sun shelter for the car. One of those unexpected tasks. I know it sounds silly but yes we do need to try to keep some of the sun off the car or it gets too damn hot to get into (sorry.) Once we have finished that we will be setting about the sitting room ceiling. Reg is here with us now and he always wants a job so we’ve had him on painting before we start on with the ceiling.

We’ve been down to the sea a few times, came second in the quiz (again.) We are off to Arillas this afternoon for some beach and snorkelling. I almost forgot, we went down to Corfu town the other week to see Cunards Queen Elizabeth – very nice. Made Thomsons cruise ship look like a tug!! That’s about it for now so best get on and get sorted for the outing.

More soon - Mr D

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