Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Endurance flights back to the UK.

The flight left on time and arrived in Singapore early. The service was, as always, splendid and the flight good.

We booked a hotel at Changi airport and got a cab into town which was another mistake, should have got the train – we never learn!! The hotel was excellent and in little India. After a good kip we had a walk into town which has changed so much since we were last here via a visit to Raffles Hotel. We ended up in China town which we like and did a bit of shopping. As usual I came out with more than Mrs D. We ate in Chinatown with the marathon flight to Manchester looming.

The flight to Manchester from Singapore used to be direct but now it stops off at Frankfurt on the way making what was a fourteen hour flight nearer sixteen!! However it all went OK and we even managed to get some sleep on the way. We were picked up in Manchester by a good friend who offered to collect us after our epic journey, big thanks to Jack!! In no time we were looking out of the back window in Middleton, which is always nice to comeback to. It was a quick brew and off to bed for a few hours before the return to Blighty adventure begins!

Pix are at Raffles Hotel and a rickshaw in Chinatown.

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