Thursday, August 26, 2010

Surprise visitors!!

Mrs D just happened to be checking her e-mail one weekend when she found a mail from friends in Leeds which went to the tune of – hi, been on our cruise and decided to extend our break and we are sat in a bar in Sidari. Do you want to come down for a drink? Well what a surprise….. we leapt on the motorbike, shot down to the appropriate bar in Sidari, had a beer and duly arranged to see them for a night out. Chris & John were staying the weekend in a hotel quite near the middle of Sidari and had already discovered ‘One for the Road’ so we all went there again to see an excellent guitarist and drink a few beers. The following day we brought them to our house for the grand tour. I think they liked what they saw – they certainly liked Sidari – and we hope they will repeat the experience. It was definitely a lovely surprise for us to have their company for a couple of days.

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